The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra

High King Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva

The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra, also known as the High King Guan Yin Sutra, the High King Sutra, Gao Wang Jing or Gao Wang Guan Shi Yin Zhen Jing is famous “dream transmission” sutra that first rose to fame by creating a mystical life saving experience for a death row prisoner in the 10th century CE. Subsequently, it spread throughout China and into Korea and Japan. The time during the Tang dynasty where it was most widely read are the times when life for the ordinary man was considered happiest in Chinese history.

Recently it has had a significant resurgence in popularity, mainly by being the primary daily sutra read by members of True Buddha School. However it doesn’t belong to True Buddha School; anyone can read it and enjoy its benefits, just as they have done for centuries before True Buddha School existed.

Avalokitesvara, the bodhisattva of greatest compassion, has myriad forms. Of Avalokitesvara’s many transformations, the High King Guan Yin is considered amongst the most powerful transformations.

Some benefits of the practices relating to the High King Guan Yin are:

  • Can purify fixed karmas which ordinarily could not be removed by a Buddha

  • One will not be harmed by knives and weapons

  • One will not be burned or harmed by fire

  • One’s life will be extended

  • One becomes big hearted and kind, a loving person that is loved by others

  • One gains the support and empowerment of the buddhas of the past, present and future together with countless bodhisattvas

  • The fate of one’s nation improves

  • One’s material circumstances and prosperity become greater

  • One discovers a multitude of means by which achieve correct awakening and can attain experiential validation of them

  • One is liberated from the suffering of birth and death, and freed from all the many kinds of suffering

Verification of The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra: Removing Gallstones

Verification of The High King Avalokitesvara Sutra: Removing Gallstones

In this provisional translation of an excerpt from His Holiness Living Buddha Lian Sheng’s 173rd book, One Dream, One World, he tells the story of a student of the dharma who suffered a karmic illness that expressed as a gallstone. Seeking the advice of Grandmaster on what spiritual practice to do before he went in for surgery, he was given a surprising idea which led to an even more surprising result!

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The Extraordinary High King Avalokitesvara Sutra

The Extraordinary High King Avalokitesvara Sutra

In a collection of teachings titled “The Buddha that I know” (Volume 270), Living Buddha Lian Sheng addresses the controversy surrounding the High King Avalokitesvara Sutra. Is it a psuedo-sutra? Is it a spurious scripture? Can dream-transmission sutras be validated as authentic dharma?

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Replace the Pillar

Replace the Pillar

A student in a location far from True Buddha School’s temples adopts a very simple practice of reciting the Guru’s heart mantra and some sutras daily. What sort of a response could it create?

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